
Know to Do. Do to Know.


"Learn To Transform Information Into Knowledge and Wisdom"

A thematically formattable engagement event based on the CLARDENTITY book with Question and Answer sessions for a worldwide audience.


Fundamentals of COPE

in combination with

Option 1. 'Personal effectiveness'
Option 2. 'Social effectiveness'
Option 3. 'Partnership effectiveness'
Option 4. Career effectiveness'
Option 5. 'Workplace effectiveness'
Option 6. 'Parenting effectiveness'

A group of guests/ invitees from a specific background, workplace, or a group of team members of any type of Private/ Govt/ Semi-Govt/ Non-profit Organisation/ Company/ Enterprise/ Business/ Institution/ Club/ Consortium, etc.New joiner induction program, training program, internal team meets, Offsite Team meets, team summits, annual celebrations, anniversary celebrations, and conferences.The participants will be given an overview of the Clardentity Knowledge Framework followed by a Q&A session on Clardentity optimisation. This session aims to help them become effective in self-organization in a self-paced manner. It also focuses on guiding them to successfully enable themselves to perform any one or more selected roles from the 20 roles mentioned in the concept independently and spontaneously.
A group of guests/ invitees from mixed backgrounds or all walks of life including students, unemployed, self-employed, experienced or inexperienced employees (from various categories such as no collar, new collar, green collar, orange collar, brown collar, yellow collar, black collar, blue collar, pink collar, purple collar, white collar, grey collar, gold collar, CXO, red collar, retired person, etc.), employers, senior management personals or board directors, business owners, farmers, stay at home parents, political party leaders and their followers, spiritual leaders or preachers and their followers, etc.Discussions/ business summits, meetings, and conferences.The participants will be given an overview of the Clardentity Knowledge Framework followed by a Q&A session on Clardentity optimisation. This session aims to help them become effective in self-organization in a self-paced manner. It also focuses on guiding them to successfully enable themselves to perform any one or more selected roles from the 20 roles mentioned in the concept independently and spontaneously.

Structure and Duration of the
COPE Interactions Programs

NB : Prior to the program, participants are recommended to read the book
"Clardentity - A Fact We Are Born With" in order to maximize their active participation

Up to 25 participants                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2.5 to 5.5 Hours                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Introduction to Clardentity and Clardentity Knowledge Framework (20-30 minutes) followed by a break to reflect on the fundamentals of the Knowledge Framework followed by a CKF -based Q & A session and discussion (120 - 300 minutes) to help the participants to effectively self-organize and successfully perform any one or more selected roles from the 20 roles mentioned in the Clardentity Knowledge Framework.
More than 30 people                1.5 to 2 HoursIntroduction to Clardentity and Clardentity Knowledge Framework (20-30 minutes) followed by a break to reflect on the fundamentals of the Knowledge Framework followed by a Clardentity Knowledge Framework-based Q & A session and discussion (60-90 minutes) to help the participants to effectively self-organize and successfully perform any one or more selected roles from the 20 roles mentioned in the Clardentity Knowledge Framework.

Contact Us 

Feel free to let us know to learn more about the details of 'COPE WITH THE Q&As OF EVERYDAY LIVES' and the program planning options to suit your learning and developmental needs.

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Wishing You One Of The Best Clardentity Experiences.

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